10 Most Important Home Security Tips

Get this crazy statistic: every minute a house in London gets burglarized.

Living outside the city center? Your chances getting higher.

don’t have any security system multiply your chances by 3 to 4 times.

If you are a man (or woman) of faith or a man of science, we advise you to keep reading this article as These tips We’re gonna share here are written in the blood and tears of the customers that we’ve been serving for more than 10 years.

So let’s start with some simple advice, but still one of the most important ones.

1.)Lock the doors and windows – just by implementing this step you can reduce your chances to meet a burglar at your house by 32%. Now we don’t say get OCD about it, but yes, it’s a good idea to double-check if the door close when you pass through around the house, especially if you use locks like Nightlatch locks as those sometimes seem to look close while they actually do not. Go on the safe side and use the key.

After you’ve done that, you can continue by considering further security measures you can take to safeguard your home.

2.) Two are better than one – another simple logic but very efficient is to use two locks on all external doors. Make sure the main lock is at least 5 lever deadlock approved by the British standard institute and stamped with BS Kitemark and BS3621 Standart mark, This standard is usually required by insurance companies. BS3261 Has high resistance to door kick attacks and lock tampering.

you can find out by looking at the lock and seeing if a British standard kitemark is engraved on the lock.

What are BS3621 Locks? + How to tell you have British Standard Locks


3.) Make sure your hinges are installed properly. Two to three hinge sets should be fitted on the door at the appropriate places. Correct hinge installation will increase your door’s security, for example, a bottom hinge that is placed too high may make it simpler to just kick in the door. Besides the security of the door, the hinges also play an important role in the functionality, and smoothness of your door.

And if hinges are the subject

4.) If your external doors swing inward – we would suggest you change that. The reason being is that when the door swings inward, it’s much easier to force it open with a crowbar or any other type of leverage or simply just kick it in. If you have this type of door, we strongly suggest you change the direction in which it opens.

If you decide you want to flip the door outward you should be aware that the hinges must be secure. you should use hinges studs for maximum security. watch the video below the learn more about this cheap and easy solution.

5.)Make sure your letterbox is installed properly, you may think your letterbox is not an important part of the door but it can easily be used by burglars to insert a hook and pull the door open. Make sure the letterbox is installed in a way that makes it impossible to do so, for example, by using a letterbox cage or letterbox cowl on the inside of the door.

and also choose security over aesthetics – many people chose to install the mailbox close to the middle but the best spot is actually in the bottom as it will give a distance between your keys and night latch locks.

6.)Install a peephole – this will allow you to see who is at the door without opening it, which is especially important if you don’t know the person.

7.)Security grills- these should be fitted on all external doors and windows, they will make it much harder for burglars to force their way into your house.

8.)London and Birmingham bars – A common method of attack used by burglars is the kick-in attack, London and Birmingham bars are a simple solution that does a very good job of reinforcing the door frame and preventing this type of attack, this solution is highly recommended by the police as a great way to shield your door frame.

You should install a London bar to reinforce the door frame on the lock’s side and a Birmingham bar to reinforce the door frame on the opposite side of your front and back outside doors.

9.)Install sensor lights- these will turn on automatically when someone approaches your house, which will not only make it harder for burglars to break in but will also deter them from trying in the first place.

10.)Keep your valuables out of sight- if you have valuable items